PT1A, PT1DC, PT1DN, PT1E, PT1MA, PT1232, PT5A, PT510, PT5AV, PT5CN, PT5DC, PT5DN, PT5E, PT5MA, PT5232, PT5600
PT8CN, PT8DN, PT8000, PT8101, PT8150, PT8232, PT8420, PT8510, PT8600, VLS8000
PT9CN, PT9DN, PT9101, PT9150, PT9232, PT9301, PT9420, PT9510, PT9600. RBS9000, VLS9000, RBS9000, PT9000
Voltage divider, 0 - 5 VDC, 0 - 10 VDC, 4 - 20 mA, incremental encoder, CANbus, DeviceNet™, RS-232
Voltage divider, 0 - 5 VDC, 0 - 10 VDC, 4 - 20 mA, incremental encoder, CANbus, DeviceNet™, RS-232
Voltage divider, 0 - 5 VDC, 0 - 10 VDC, 4 - 20 mA, incremental encoder, CANbus, DeviceNet™, RS-232
Unique Features
Designed for most factory environments
Industry standard output signals
User serviceable
Compact design (PT1)
Heavy duty, submersible
Designed for extreme industrial and marine environments
CSA, CENELEC certification for hazardous area applications
High accuracy, high acceleration
Free-release proof with VLS option
M12 and DEUTSCH connector options
Heavy duty, submersible
Proven workhorse for long stroke applications
Designed for extreme industrial and marine environments
CSA, CENELEC certification for hazardous area applications
Free-release proof with VLS option
M12 and DEUTSCH connector options
Typical Applications |
Factory automation, industrial, die casting, injection molding
Steel mills, lumber and paper mills, factory automation, die-casting, injection molding, mobile construction and mining
Mobile hydraulic boom position, water resource management, mining and tunnel boring equipment, telescoping mechanism position, theater stage control