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Leica M50, M60 & M80 Stereo Microscopes

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Leica M50, M60 & M80 Stereo Microscopes
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Easily inspect, screen, observe or document
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M50, M60 & M80 stereo microscopes

Handle your daily inspection or documentation, work confidently, and stay flexible in times of change. The modular stereo microscopes of the M series from Leica are the right choice for an abundant variety of tasks in life sciences and industrial applications.

The M50, M60, and M80 allow operators to see a large sample overview, work comfortably under the microscope, and capture images of important details easily.

At a glance

All three microscopes allow you to acquire comparable and traceable results at different magnification steps. This provides accuracy for repetitive tasks, for example in electronic inspections or screening of model organisms.

  • M50 with 5:1-zoom, featuring a step-zoom with five fixed zoom steps, at 6.3x, 10x, 16x, 25x, and 40x– allowing 100% reproducible results. The short optics carrier enables high light throughput and provides a large working distance, ideal in animal surgery and similar applications.
  • M60 with 6:1-zoom range, with a continuous zoom from 6.3x – 40x including engageable click stops - making repetitive inspection and measurement at a specific zoom position reliable. This system is optimized for a larger field of view to see more at a glance.
  • M80 with 8:1-zoom range, with a continuous zoom from 7.5x – 60x including engageable click stops – expanding your insights and reliability. Optimized for higher magnification to see smaller details in perfect contrast.

High flexibility with a modular concept

Whether your work requires a variety of illumination types, different objectives, or a bigger stand - Leica Microsystems has a solution for nearly everything!

Turn your microscope into a highly flexible and ergonomic workstation for multiple users. Our broad range of accessories helps you to cover all your needs:

  • Small, medium, and large incident light bases: Inspect e.g. printed circuit boards, metal workpieces, or opaque research samples like flies on a fly-pad
  • TL transmitted light bases: observe translucent samples or screen model organisms like zebrafish or look for defects in glass and silicone molds
  • XL universal base: accommodate large workpieces, our XL cross-stage has a travel paths of up to 300 mm x 300 mm
  • Swing arm and flex arm stands: Examine very bulky pieces, e.g. automotive parts or paintings, or adjust your viewing angle when dissecting, or pulling pipettes
  • Objectives: Choose from a variety of achromat and planachromat objectives depending on your requirements like working distance or FOV


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  • IM50 with 5:1-zoom, featuring a step-zoom with five fixed zoom steps, at 6.3x, 10x, 16x, 25x, and 40x– allowing 100% reproducible results. The short optics carrier enables high light throughput and provides a large working distance, ideal in animal surgery and similar applications.
  • M60 with 6:1-zoom range, with a continuous zoom from 6.3x – 40x including engageable click stops - making repetitive inspection and measurement at a specific zoom position reliable. This system is optimized for a larger field of view to see more at a glance.
  • M80 with 8:1-zoom range, with a continuous zoom from 7.5x – 60x including engageable click stops – expanding your insights and reliability. Optimized for higher magnification to see smaller details in perfect contrast.


  • Customize the microscope to suit your needs with a large range of ergonomic accessories and illumination adapters
  • Increase your productivity with an entirely ergonomic microscope workplace to work comfortably
  • Create traceable measurement procedures for repetitive jobs using the predefined zoom steps of the M50 or the click stops of the M60 and M80

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Leica M50, M60 & M80 Stereo Microscopes
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